Price Match Guarantee
If you find a lower qualified price on another booking site, we’ll match it and give you 25% off your stay. Submit your claim before you book or within 24 hours after you’ve made your reservation through an official Hilton booking channel.
This form cannot be used for claims submitted the day before or day of arrival. To submit those claims, request a call from customer care.Start a claim with a current reservation
Start a claim without a reservation
We will try to independently validate your claim within 24 hours after you submit a claim.
If the claim submitted contains a current reservation we will modify the reservation and send a new email confirmation as well as an email from us letting you know about the approval of your claim. If the claim submitted does not contain a current reservation, a tentative reservation will be secured and you will be notified by email on the next steps you need to take to complete the reservation process. You must complete the reservation within 24 hours of receiving the email. If you do not, the claim and the tentative reservation will be cancelled.
We cannot tentatively book a non-refundable rate until we receive verbal approval that you accept the price match. Our contact center will attempt to call you (up to 2 times/24 hours) to obtain approval and provide next steps. Non-Refundable rate claims are subject to sold out scenarios.